Sunday, September 21, 2008

Google Earth

Google Earth is a tool that I have have been trying to incorporate into my World Areas-Middle East curriculum for the past three semesters with limited success. (Albeit, mostly because I haven't taken enough time to become effective with the tool.) Being that the Middle East is a rather unfamiliar place for my students; a place that very few have been, or even desire to go to, Google Earth is a wonderful tool to bring it to them in the classroom. In the past, I have used it in a very rudimentary way: visiting significant historical sights, illustrating the landscape of the region, or simply looking at localized pictures posted through Panoramio. But, there are several helpful resources that one can use to better tailor Google earth to your own needs.

Google even sponsors an educator tutorial page for dimwits like me to use Google Earth more effectively. There are testimonies, classroom ideas (by subject), tutorials, and even a discussion group that one can participate in to share or discuss potential classroom uses. There are seemingly an infinite number of websites dedicated to using Google Earth, however, the Google Earth Blog was of particular interest because the author is constantly adding new 'real world' applications for Google Earth, many of which would be excellent ideas for both the classroom and personal use. In short, the major pro of using Google Earth is that it can be used in seemingly infinite ways and there are an incredible number of resources to draw ideas and training from. However, it's been my experience that it requires a high-speed internet connection to operate smoothly. At school, it tends to lag and sometimes function very slowly. While this might be due to our low bandwidth, the bottom line is that one might shy away from using it if its functionality uncertain.

Check it out, go take a virtual around the world vacation'll be amazed what Google Earth can do.


Candace said...

I like your first Blog entry. You have provided specific examples on how you incorporated Google Earth into your classroom. The resources that you have provided are useful for beginning educators to discover more ways to integrate Google Earth in the classroom. Nice job.


Anna said...

Mike, your use of Google Earth in your World Areas-Middle East curriculum sounds like an incredibly powerful tool for your students to utilize. Google Earth can seemingly bring a foreign landscape to your classroom with amazing ease. Hopefully your use of Google Earth will inspire your students to want to visit the locations you are showing them and create a curiosity in them to explore even more destinations abroad. Great tool to spotlight!